Fenclare's Profile

About me
I am retired and live with my husband in Spain on the Costa Blanca. I have a small garden with raised beds, Orange and Peach Trees and lots of pots on the terraces.
The sun is extremely fierce and, much as I love them I cannot keep Fuchsias (my favourite plants) Geraniums collapse after a matter of weeks and are attacked by the dreaded Geranium moth.
My climbers are, Bignonia, Jasmine and Clematis. I have a large Solanium shrub, which is doing well.
This year in particular the ants have been a real menace! I am looking for plants that love full sun,dry conditions and are Perennials.
Am I searching for the Holy Grail?
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Joined in Aug 2009
Country: Spain
County/State: Alicante