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'Strewth! You're growing some real beauts, aren't you, Michelle (my favourite chilli grower) Was wondering what you were doing. Now I can see - awesome selection, M8y!!

10 Apr, 2008


LOL!!! Gday David , thank you matey !!! Certainly am getting some beauties...
Hope you are well and happy.... Are you into Spring yet ???

Its Autumn here in Perth WA , we are STILL getting some very HOT days !!!!!!!!

14 Apr, 2008


I just found this again when searching for chillies. Spring is here at last - I think. It's certainly light now until 9pm, so I can see what I'm doing outdoors for longer. Have you eaten all those chillies yet?

27 Apr, 2008


Gday David

LOL!!! We have had some rippers matey ! I love to share them too. Going to have a bash at making my own Chilli sauce.

All is good, we are in Autumn and I have added another large batch of sheep poo to the vegie garden and started planting a new batch of vegies....

Planted Garlic, beetroot and English Spinach so far.

Hope you and your family are well and enjoying Spring....

28 Apr, 2008


You are busy, Michelle! Well, if you know anything about our weather here, what I say now will make complete sense, lol! Day 4 (!!) of wall-to-wall very warm sunshine? I think that Frid/Sat was Spring, Sat/Sun was summer, and today (Tues 29th) was, well, "Indian Summer". Tomorrow I may wake up and find that it is a "White Christmas" !! Cheers!

29 Apr, 2008

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This photo is of "Chilli ' Firecracker '" in Michelle's garden

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