The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Hemerocallis 'Iron Gate Sunset'

Hemerocallis 'Iron Gate Sunset' (Hemerocallis x 'Irongate sunset')

There are some daylilies that will re-bloom later in the year, after their main flush. This is one of them.

Comments on this photo


I must remember that Bbb...:>)

27 Sep, 2009


mmmm Very nice it is too.

29 Sep, 2009


Nice colour.

30 Sep, 2009


It's a lovely colour, i'm just starting a small collection of these :))

30 Sep, 2009


I didn't know they did this - neither of mine do.

30 Sep, 2009


Not all of them do it, Wagger. Bear with me for a while and I'll try and compile a list of re-bloomers for you. There are a few that are known for it.

1 Oct, 2009


Will wait for a blog then, Bbb.

1 Oct, 2009

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Pictures by bigbumblebee
260 of 268

What else?

This photo is of species Hemerocallis x 'Irongate sunset'.

See who else has plants in genus Hemerocallis.

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