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My Acers are about to break forth as well.

11 Apr, 2008


I went to check mine and found to my horror that the Acer Palmatum has died on one half of it. I suppose I'll have to saw it off. It will look dreadful. I am really sad about it, it was doing so well. It's been in 3 years and is over 7ft tall. I suppose it was the frost though it is in a sheltered corner.

11 Apr, 2008


oh dear Spritz, a couple of mine have a bit of frost damage but not too bad i think. i thought strong cold winds were much worse for them anyway! are you sure its due to frost?

11 Apr, 2008


We do catch wind here, but it's pretty sheltered, so I think it must have been frost. Feel like saying naughty words! Don't listen! ******xxx****!!! There! That will do - until I go and look at it again, anyway.

11 Apr, 2008


mmmmm - such naughtness Spritz tut-tut (head shaking and finger waggling at you!) lol you should have herd some of the choice words i was saying when my bio slug control stopped working and everything in my greenhouse froze after that heavy frost we had at the begining of the week! i was out there with my watering can of luke warm water and a pot of salt at 6am muttering sware words under my breath!

11 Apr, 2008

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