Pale and dry red begonias.
By Raquel

27 Sep, 2009
Comments on this photo
Mine love to look like this. I am slowly working out how to please them. I can't even dream a solution in texas weather. Wishing a quick recovery. :-)
28 Sep, 2009
Hywel, we've had the hottest summer in 150 yrs! Usually June is not too bad, but this year it was blistering...and has continued to be very the plants have suffered a lot...I have watered them, I aqua-globed them but as you saw still lost quite a few...=(
Begonias usually do well for me, Greenthumb...they love the sun but also drink a lot of's the weather up in Alaska? I'm guessing it must be cool/cold by now?
28 Sep, 2009
lol....cold and white. We began winter last week. I still have to pull bulbs, it came on sooooo fast. 70 one week and next snow!
I wonder if you could hang one of those shade nets over hot nursery areas along the rail to protect them from exposure in the heat.
28 Sep, 2009
That's a really good idea, Greenthumb...finally Fall is here! Was 90 F this morning but by noon it was raining cats and dogs and the temp had dropped to the 70s. Happened very quickly, too.
10 Oct, 2009
Strange weather. We've reeturned to fall, barely freezes. We should be setting into the deep freeze, never above 32 right now. Hope your rain gives a little kick to your struggling survivors. :-)
10 Oct, 2009
Yes the weather's odd here too...should be cooler, but despite last week, it isn't...yesterday returned to hot and humid, very muggy...Tha rain has helped, though and it looks like the impatiensa are actually going to flower!
13 Oct, 2009
Whoop whoop! :-)
14 Oct, 2009
18 Oct, 2009
You seem to have had hot weather . I hope it improves soon.
27 Sep, 2009