Daffs all Gone but 2 :(
By Jacque

11 Apr, 2008
Comments on this photo
They'll be back.....next year. You've got the rest to look forward to.
11 Apr, 2008
Thanx 4 reminding me bout that Chris X
11 Apr, 2008
i have one or two lates still going strong, and some early tulips but getting excited about all my late tulips now! quite a lot are starting to show colour, not to mention all the summer stuff. we have come to a decision about the end of the garden - or rather i have and jay has been given his instructions. the arch does'nt look right - dont get me wrong i do need an arch up there somewhere but its in the wrong place! the plans i have involve moving and painting the arch, putting up a couple more trellis panels, jay building me a nice high raised bed from bricks (put his bricklaying skills to the test - he has'nt done it for years!) and also he will be leveling off the concrete in front of the shed and making me some prober wood compost bins! lol - that's if he ever gets round to finishing the front! lol - bossy madam arnt i! lol
11 Apr, 2008
No, you just have brainwaves and, like me, want to achieve them NOW this instant!
11 Apr, 2008
well good luck with all that Ang it sounds great:) il just be happy 2 get the foundations of my green house down im sure i could put it together myself its just the cerment work im not sure about:(x
11 Apr, 2008
Mine are all dissapearing now as well.
11 Apr, 2008