Rhubarb with flower coming
By Chrispook

12 Apr, 2008
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My rhubarb has never had a flower before.
Comments on this photo
Yes Sid it definitely is rhubarb. I've been eating it for the past 2 years. I grew it from local Hungarian seeds, so maybe the leaves are different.
12 Apr, 2008
Ok Chris! Thought it looked different from mine, but maybe the local strain is hardier or something? Enjoy!
13 Apr, 2008
well i never knew Rhubarb flowered, i rember eating in crumbles as a kid as my nan had a large clump of it in her garden, but don't ever remeber the flowers - do all varieties flower?
18 Apr, 2008
I've read about Rhubarb flowering Angie, but I've never owned one that flowered before. Our friends tell us that it is common for Hungarian Rhubarb to flower, so I guess that's tha answer.
18 Apr, 2008
I expect your Nan removed the flowers as soon as they appeared. Gardening advice is to dead-head flowers immediately after they appear in the early spring, as allowing flowers to set seed will weaken the plant.
I planted a rhubarb crown in my veg patch earlier in the year, but no sign of it yet. I may not have prepared the ground well enough.
I have found some old seed which I may give a chance. Love rhubarb crumble with custard or ice-cream ..... mmmm, mouth-watering!
18 Apr, 2008
Are you sure it's rhubarb? The leaves look to be stangely crinkly?
12 Apr, 2008