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Simba and Yona

Simba and Yona

My two puppies...okay so at 120 lbs they are dogs...they still think they are my babies!

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BIG babies Healerwitch !! Especially if they jump on your lap at the same time !! lol Lovely boys (girls?) :-))

6 Oct, 2009


Sue....they are both boys. The brown one is half Great Pyrennes and half Anatolian Shephard, he is 5 yo in Dec. The white one is pure breed Great Pyrennes, rescued from a shelter, he is only 1 1/2 now. The white one...Yona (it means bear in Cherokee) is still growing for at least 6-10 mo more!

Oh and they do love to be in your lap! I have trained them not to get on the bed, or else they would have the bed and hubby and I would sleep on the floor! lol

6 Oct, 2009


Beautiful, both of them !! I was wondering about the name Yona and it means bear in Cherokee. Fascinating. I used to have two boys who both lived for 15 years and I still miss them now. Mind you, the size of these babies, I don't think they'd fit in my living room !! Lol :-)))

6 Oct, 2009


Gorgeeous - but then I'm a sucker for dogs!

6 Oct, 2009


When he was only 3 mo old....he looked just like a polar bear cub, the name bear just fit......His full proper name is Yona Kola...Yona as I said is bear; kola is Lakota for brother.....SO his proper name is Brother Bear, and he is the lil brother of Simba, so in a funny way it all fits. lol

Simba got his name because as a baby he made all the groans and sounds you hear on documentaries coming from the pride of lions resting under a tree on the Sarengeti!

Thanks Pip

6 Oct, 2009


I think it's wonderful to use American Indian names, they sound wonderful and as you say, they just 'fit'. I can just imagine Simba as a baby making the sounds lol ! I love the sounds that they make when they're asleep and dreaming, and the paws going nineteen to the dozen as though they're running over the hills !! Lovely :-))

6 Oct, 2009


2 beauties....:>)

10 Oct, 2009


Fascinating information,would love to take them for a waaaaaaaalk perhaps just once!.Are they able to run free .With Jamie i have to watch for a white flash traveling through the trees, then when I want him call his name.

12 Oct, 2009


The oldest one (Simba) is able to be off leash....he is very good about remaining on our one acre and coming when called. But the baby, the white one (Yona) is still too head strong to be off leash. If I let him go...he runs for three or four hours, scaring all the neighbors silly! And he will not come when called.

Next summer we are hoping to fence about 1/3 the acre for them to run loose in. I wish it could be more, but Yona will not learn! :D

12 Oct, 2009


He'll learn HW. He's yet a baby ... xx

12 Oct, 2009


Hi Simba and Yona ..woof from me ,Percy..wagg wagg

2 Jan, 2010


Wiggle, wiggle....wag, wag.... bark, woof, arrrf!


3 Jan, 2010

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