AQUILEGIA: Black Barlow
By Oddbillie

16 Oct, 2009
Comments on this photo
Georgous colour
16 Oct, 2009
Is yours flowering now, Oddbillie ?
I love Aquilegias, have lots of them and although 'Winky Blue' is flowering my 'Black Barlow' isn't.
Wierd isn't it, they shouldn't be flowering just yet !
17 Oct, 2009
Alas, Louise, it is not. In fact, I may have overwatered mine through summer and thought I had lost it at one point!
The foliage is growing back but no flowers for a while now. Hoping for better things next year now I'm starting ro understand things a bit more:0)
17 Oct, 2009
If the foliage is coming back i think you'll be fine then :-)
17 Oct, 2009
I hope so as this one is particularly nice. It syas on the little card that came with it to cut back the leaves to ground level in Autumn to encourage rigorous growth the following year. Do you do this?
17 Oct, 2009
Actually i do cut them back but i started doing it because the foliage was covering the flowers around it !!!
I soon realised that by cutting it back it made a bigger and stronger clump so i've been shifting them around this year because they've outgrown their own 'areas' !
17 Oct, 2009
That's interesting to know Louise. I think I will cut them back for this Autumn and repot them in Spring to a bigger pot/area.
Thanks for that!
17 Oct, 2009
Lovely colour
17 Oct, 2009
like this one Dan a bit differant to the norm, they do go mad when establist, so as louise said you may have to break up the clumps, if you have them in a pot, which i havent done but think they are better in the ground, some plants can actually die in pots in winter because the frost gets to them, the ground is warmer from the summer thats why alot plant in autum so the warmth of the summer is still there till plant settles, in spring ground is cold from winter and the plant is slower to get settled, just a little something ive learned from reading on the web :o))
17 Oct, 2009
That's interesting San and something I'll take heed of.
I'm back in work tomorrow but off again on Thursday so will look at maybe finding a spot for it now somewhere!
18 Oct, 2009
they normally seed themselves to Dan, so you may find babies sprouting about lol
18 Oct, 2009
I might be a daddy.....WOO -HOO!!
18 Oct, 2009
lol Dan, how you going to tell Ali :o(
18 Oct, 2009
Good question and one for which I have yet to find an answer to....but I will:0)~
18 Oct, 2009
cant believe it Dan, you always have an answer lol, im dissapointed hehehehe
18 Oct, 2009
She knows I am a caring person and as I didn't....ahem, plant the seeds in the first place, I will therefore adopt the plants and nurture and love them as if they were my own. In time, Ali will learn to love them too and we can all be one big happy family!!!
There you go....simples!! :0)-
18 Oct, 2009
go on i`ll give you that one even though it did take a bit of thinking power :o)
18 Oct, 2009
How long did it take you to dream that one up, Dan??? LOL!
18 Oct, 2009
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This photo is of "AQUILEGIA: Black Barlow" in Oddbillie's garden
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Yummy colour!
16 Oct, 2009