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Yellow Trout Lily


By Diohio

Yellow Trout Lily (Erythronium americanum (Adder Leaf))

Yellow Trout Lily blooming in the front yard. It's starting to form a nice little colony. Erythronium americanum, also known as Adder's Tongue, Fawn Lily, Deer's Tongue, Rattlesnake Violet, Yellow Snowdrop, and Dogtooth Violet, is actually a lily and not a violet. It's a native perennial to Ohio.

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Yours are much prettier than mine...! Thefoliage on mine is solid green. Looks like I'll be placing some more bulb orders after all.!

14 Apr, 2008


I noticed that your leaves were solid green and thought that maybe they were something different. There is a solid green-leafed Trout Lily in my wildflower book but it has a white flower and is called Prairie Trout Lily. I wonder why yours are solid? Very strange. If you bought yours I wonder if they somehow lost their mottled leaves through cultivation.

14 Apr, 2008


Love the leaves on these DI.

14 Apr, 2008


I agree the leaves r wonderful colour :0

14 Apr, 2008


This is also a native perennial where I grew up in north central Ontario...we called it Adder Tongue or Dogtooth Violet. They bloomed in masses popping up through the leaf cover along with the trilliums and wild arbutus..

28 Jun, 2008

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This photo is of "Lily, Yellow Trout" in Diohio's garden

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