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1 of six cacti

1 of six cacti

As with the previous photo any advice/help would be great.

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Pot it into a clay pot with gritty compost. Give a good watering. Then for the winter I'd put it somewhere coolish and keep dry. When you do water a cactus make sure you give it a good drenching and then leave it to dry out before the next drenching. That is better than dribbles.
In summer give more frequent drenchings according to the weather - more often in hot weather ( if you can remember what that is ... lol... not sure if I can )

23 Oct, 2009


Thanks Hywel, I thought of you when I got these because of your love of them. The info is brilliant, just one more question. There is one phrase there I don't quite understand and it is "more often in hot weather" the words hot and weather don't seem to match very well, I'm not sure what you meen by them?
On a more serious note, can I use a general compost mixed with grit?
Thanks again. :~)))))))

23 Oct, 2009


Yes use multi purpose compose and mix a few handfuls of grit into it. I'd put about 3 parts compost and 1 grit. - not sand but coarse grit is better .

23 Oct, 2009


Thanks again Hywel I hadn't even thought about how much to mix them. :~)))

23 Oct, 2009


I use to have one of these watch your forehead don't get the spikes stuck in it.

23 Oct, 2009


Not nice Morgana, how did you get spikes stuck in your forhead?

23 Oct, 2009


I use to have one on my kitchen service and when I bent over to wipe the sides it always stuck in my head, I moved it to the window cill eventually. The chap that gave it me out of his green house for exactly the same reason, he would end up with the spikes stuck in his forehead too.

23 Oct, 2009


Ouch! That would be really painful!

23 Oct, 2009


It was very painful

23 Oct, 2009

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