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Hydrangea (Hydrangea)

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No - it's a Hydrangea, Numbaten. Pretty! :-) Don't cut the heads off until the spring, as they give winter protection to the new buds.

26 Oct, 2009


Right I have been trying to read up on this and I *think* it is a 'mophead' hydrangea? Hydrangea macrophylla? I may well be wrong but I feel accomplished for having tried! Apologies for the endless questions but should I leave all the heads on or am I supposed to break of off the few that have died and dried out? :s

26 Oct, 2009


LEAVE THEM ON Numbaten. They look kinda scrufy but as Spritz says, they protect next year's young buds from frost. Looks like a mophead type to me. Looks like you have a soil balance between acid ( which would turn the florets blue ) and alkaline ( which would make them pink ) to me!

26 Oct, 2009


In the spring (after frosts finish) you cut the heads off, then cut each stem back to a pair of healthy buds, about half-way down the stem. Easy-peasy!

26 Oct, 2009

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