Numbaten's Profile

About me
At 21 I am a complete novice when it comes to gardening, after living with my parents lawn-come-football-pitch garden until moving to a university flat with no outdoor space, and then on to two student houses with little or no garden I have never had much chance to have a go in the garden...until now!
I have recently moved into a beautiful little pink house built in 1866 which has the most beautiful garden and I am desperate to do it justice! Sadly as the lady who owned the house before us passed away I was unable to ask her about her wonderful little idyl before we moved in so I'm learning from scratch to keep the garden as beautiful as she tried so hard to make it.
So, the garden itself, consists of an irregularly shaped lawn which is mostly moss if I'm honest but (I know most people disagree) this is not a huge issue to me, as it reminds me of the local nature reserves! This is surrounded by beds and borders with lots of flowers, shrubs and trees, including azalia, holly trees, connifers, rhododendrons and a beautiful buddleia (please excuse any spelling errors!) plus lots of things I haven't managed to identify yet :(
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Joined in Oct 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: West Midlands