My 4 Cuttings From Sisters Pretty Pink Fuchsia
By Jacque

26 Oct, 2009
Comments on this photo
3 of them are Growing like Mad Amy but can u see that Tiny 1 in Centre @Top?It just dont seem 2 want 2 Grow :( Iv repotted all 4 of these today & theyv lots of Good Root Growth :)
26 Oct, 2009
Look nice and healthy.
26 Oct, 2009
Thanx Clarice i left them outside last nite & theyv had some Nice Fresh Rain to help then settle into their new Pots :)
27 Oct, 2009
Pictures by jacque
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This photo is of "Fuchsia "A Pink 1 From Sis"" in Jacque's garden
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They look very healthy Jacque , well done .......:o)
26 Oct, 2009