Gee19's Profile

About me
I live in a village in Kent. I have 3 adult (most of the time!) daughters + three grandchildren and a new little great grandson. I enjoy gardening, am an ebay and computer addict, plus I love taking digital photos (and playing about with them!). Millie is a whippet lurcher and is coming up to herc14th birthday. I also have 2 tortoises, Jubilee and Josie. Jubilee came from a pet shop in 1977 and Josie came to join us about 15 years ago. I also have a sometimes very noisy budgie called Tiggy. My gardens are not very big, back and front each about 30' x 40' but I get a great deal of pleasure from them and they have slowly evolved over the 20+ years I have lived here.
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Joined in Sep 2008
Country: United Kingdom
County: Kent