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I'm Slidding!

I'm Slidding!

This little guy loved the lilypad, but his weight was a little much...he just slid off for a dip

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Lovely pic ! :-))

28 Oct, 2009


love all your waterlillies...........

28 Oct, 2009


oh bless!............

28 Oct, 2009


for about the last decade there have been almost no spring peepers to be heard... so sad because that, to me, was the voice of spring, when I was a child. was delighted to find a lovely little green guy in my pond this summer and lots of toads in my garden. Frog and Toad song really enliven the twilight... makes a person feel that all is right with the world...

6 Nov, 2009


I so agree with you Lori....and peepers have always been a way to know if the dew set would be heavy or rain was coming thru the night as their song gets louder! I can also tell if the pond way out back is wet or dry by the noise at


6 Nov, 2009


You learn so much on this site HW and Lori. Living in a city in England, I've never even heard a frog or toad. :-))

6 Nov, 2009


Wow Sue...that is amazing to me!

It feels like something that is just 'normal' to spring sounds for me....:)

I hopew you get a chance to hear them sometime...


7 Nov, 2009


I'll have to rely on Sir David Attenborough ! Do you have any of his programmes over there ?

7 Nov, 2009


I would imagine you are a Sir David fan too, Hw? I watched his series on Public Broadcasting. Has he done any programmes about North American wildlife? I rarely watch TV anymore.

7 Nov, 2009


Dolphins ..... ! Seen the latest Sir David one about them ? Amazing !!
Lori ... at one time or another he's done one about everything ! I LOVE his programmes ....watched them since I was a kid.
It is just SO lovely to see real pic's on here though. Thanks Hw xx

7 Nov, 2009


Sorry ladies I have never seen Sir Attenborough, but then I watch very little tv, mostly movies on dvd, not tv...:)

8 Nov, 2009


I bet you can get David Attenborough wildlife programmes on dvd HW...they might make a change from films, occasionally - and like Sue says, they are SO worth it, the man is a marvel...

8 Nov, 2009


Sue,did you see yesterdays Life about birds? It was amazing !

10 Nov, 2009


I fell asleep Ray !! Must be me age ! lol Ne'er mind, I've got Virgin and they've got a 'Catch Up' section. AND ... I've just had an HD box as well !! Watched last weeks in HD and it was just AMAZING !! :~000)))

10 Nov, 2009


Its also repeated on Sundays at six !

10 Nov, 2009


I know ! I will never, ever forget seeing him with the Gorillas when Life on Earth first came on. It must be well over 25 years now. The 'Master' !! :~)))

10 Nov, 2009


Yes,it was unforgettable.Think he nominated that encounter as his favourite all time experience!

10 Nov, 2009


You're here !! I've got a 'thing' about Dolphins, always have had. Did you see the last series with the Sardine Run ?

10 Nov, 2009


Yes Sue...seen the lot ! This Earth will be a poorer place when he has gone.

10 Nov, 2009


Over 80 now ! No doubt you've also seen him interviewed by Jonathan Ross. Nice to see that even he is 'in awe' sometimes ! ;~)

10 Nov, 2009 he should be ! Totally different league !

10 Nov, 2009


Read what you said about Jane and the wildlife. I'm speechless.

10 Nov, 2009

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