The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

My 2 dogs


By Pitta

My 2 dogs

Left is Miss Pixie 6 years a mini foxie ans right a bit of a mix of breeds is
Mr Bean 7yearsIhave had so many comments to photos that when I go to thank people there is no comment space , does anyone know why . So this is a huge thank you to everyone , you are all so kind . I WILL PASS ON COMMENTS TO MY DAUGHTER /PHOTOGRAPHER

Comments on this photo


Miss Pixie and Mr Bean are lovely !
Not sure if I'm answering your question ( it is middle of the night here ! ) but the space to reply to comments is below where you are reading this.

It is a white box under the words : Comment on this Photo. Type in the box and then scroll down and click on the green sign: Submit. I hope this helps. If not, send me a private message and I'll sort it out for you tomorrow. Well done to your daughter/photographer on so many lovely pictures. She is talented with that camera ! xxx

1 Nov, 2009


Thanks that is what I have been doind answering in the white space , but foe some reason I scrolled down to the bottom and no space there only extra page no's to go to which I did but the bottom of each page still had no white answer space.Now this one has the space as you can see I'm sending you an answer. I'll just hope that it does'nt happen again .

Yes we think our dogs are the best looking dogs as everyone does of their pets. I ALSO LOVE SIAMESE CATS BUT i CANNOT HAVE A CAT OF ANY KIND HERE THERE IS TOO MUCH WILD LIFE THAT WOULD NOT SURVIVE A CAT .

1 Nov, 2009


Hello Pitta...
Your dogs are cute :o)

I'm glad you were able to make a comment on this page. I'll mention the problem to Peter and Ajay who manage GoY and maybe on Monday they can give you more information and advice about the comment box.

My grandmother adored cats and bred them. She died when I was very young, but I have photos of her with her beautiful cats. Yes, Siamese cats are real characters, aren't they ! :o)

1 Nov, 2009


Brill photo, gone on favs.

1 Nov, 2009


THANKS Terratoonie and Clarice ..I am off now to bed its 10.45pm here in Queensland Australia.Across the top half of AUS. we stay the same time all year ,where the lower half change to summer daylight saving in october , some states are 2 hours different some 1 hour . I wish it stayed the same all over .

1 Nov, 2009


Night see you later.

1 Nov, 2009


lovely photo

1 Nov, 2009


Hi Pitta..
I've heard that Peter has sent you a message about the comment box...
Hoping it is all okay now.... You seem to be making comments on this thread very well. :o)
Yes, it is confusing when clocks are changing in some parts and not others !

2 Nov, 2009


Miss Pixie and Mr Bean ! Lovely names and beautiful dogs Pitta :-)))

2 Nov, 2009

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