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View photos by Ickledigga
Featured on: beans
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Gardening with friends since
21 May, 2007 -
Gardening with friends since
3 Apr, 2010
Sweet Pea Seeds Everlasting Mix
£2.45 at Suttons Seeds -
Mina Lobata Seeds
£2.65 at Suttons Seeds -
Heliotrope Marine Seeds
£2.85 at Suttons Seeds -
Nerine Bulbs Bowdenii
£6.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Sensitive Plant Seed
£1.85 at Suttons Seeds -
Bean (Runner) Seeds Painted Lady
£3.65 at Suttons Seeds
Was just browsing, and found this pic, Ickle. Interesting that you use these pots, too. I use them for beans, but also for sweetcorn, courgettes, cucumbers, and all climbers/vines, as they get a good root system - and the kids can see them growing too. An additional bonus is that you can also see that the roots are getting proper watering.
17 Jan, 2009