He is NOT a happy bunny..............
By Pamazon

6 Nov, 2009
Tried my best, he wouldn't look at me, he tried to wriggle around so that his back was facing me, he is totally disgusted with me LOL. He has a blue one as well for a change............I can just imagine his 'doggy' thoughts.....................:o)
Comments on this photo
Cute :o)
6 Nov, 2009
LOL, it's for his own benefit, silly little lad....
6 Nov, 2009
Gerrroffffff me Mom !!! LOL x
6 Nov, 2009
Lol...how cute!
6 Nov, 2009
Why don't you leave him alone. He obviously doesn't like it.
6 Nov, 2009
Perhaps he doesnt want to stand out in the crowd....................
6 Nov, 2009
Due to his Pom genes, he has a very woolly coat underneath his thick top coat and it just soaks up the wet and he gets cold and shivery. I take it with me in my pocket and if it rains really heavily while we are out, I have to pop it on him , he doesn't have to wear the hood, I only popped that on for his photo! Luckily I have only had to use it once and it saved him a lot of very wet fur..............I would rather do that than him become chilled.
7 Nov, 2009
rrrrr bless him.....
7 Nov, 2009
Pammy .... no animals were hurt in the taking of this picture !! lol It was just a 2 minute job to show us exactly what he thinks of the cissy red thing !! Being a Birmingham kid .... he wanted the blue !!! xxxxx
And my God ...... looking at his face ...... he's a Villa Fan !!! (Geroff me Mom !!) xx
7 Nov, 2009
You're so right bab, Of course he wanted the blue, he's a boy LOL. I would rather have him with a little mac on for a short time, then maybe ill for a longer time, he's only small. When I first got him, he had very severe kennel cough and it worried me to bits, took weeks and weeks to clear, don't want anything like that happening, he's too precious to me LOL................xxx
7 Nov, 2009
Hi Pam...
Please confirm no macs were hurt in the making of this picture. ;o)
7 Nov, 2009
LOL TT !!!! Must be precious if he's a Villa fan Pam !!!! xxx
7 Nov, 2009
Sue...Toddy and Pam could BOTH wear red and be a Bargain Hunt team...
Pam would be sure to buy a lot feathery antiques...Lol.
Pam...thanks for telling me Tod is not a happy BUNNY...
.. almost put him in the wrong GoYpedia pets category...
... LOL..he he he he he.
7 Nov, 2009
TT !!!!! Get the category right !!! LMAO !! xx
7 Nov, 2009
I'm not in charge of GoYpedia cats and dogs... just bunnies, budgies, tortoises, terrapins, goats, hamsters, gerbils, wellies, clogs, slippers, Flower Pot People, parrots....
7 Nov, 2009
Is that ALL ??? xxxxx
7 Nov, 2009
...horses, cockatiels, canaries... and I have sneaked in really nice pics of an elephant family and a tiger.... sort of "Pets in the Garden" large scale... on the Woburn Estate...Lol.
7 Nov, 2009
Oh Terra, you make me laugh LOL. You really are in charge of a very mixed bunch aren't you? I can confirm without a shadow of a doubt that no macs at all, either the red one or the blue one, were hurt in that scene............just the feelings of a funny little Todd who quite soon got over it when he was what goodies I have for him. Speaking of which, I must try and get to the Co-Op and see if I can get these Malt Crunchies that are so popular, I guess they are a breakfast cereal?
7 Nov, 2009
Love the idea of Bargain Hunt Terra, we would have to go as the Blue Team though as my Mac is blue and Toddy could wear his matching one!! I always watch the Programme and get so excited when I see a Parrot or Cockatoo figurine, I guess I would lose every penny of that £300 LOL..........xxx
7 Nov, 2009
Sneaking in being the order of the day ...... lol ! Been speaking with David and he says he regards Goy not so much as a gardening forum, but as an online community !
Is that US or is that US !!
Anyroadup TT ...... have you asked that bloke that owns it ?? (Woburn) Can't remember his name for the life of me. but if memory serves he had a lot of 'wifelets' !! Watch yourself our kid !!!!!
7 Nov, 2009
Terra? Are you in charge of Guinea Pigs..................ROFL. If not, I could always provide you with a photo to start you off ;o) xxx
7 Nov, 2009
The previous bloke who owned Woburn selected my dog as Best In Show at a dog show held in his grounds... and awarded it to me personally !
I have the photos and trophy to prove it...Lol.
...and, yes, Pam, you'll find Guinea Pigs on GoYpedia Pets in The Garden, along with photos of your front door, Gillian's stone rabbit (or stoned rabbit.. not sure), peacock, chickens, Bornagain's plastic rat, which now has a name, but I can't remember it right now, and B Scott's snow teddy (not toddy) :o)
.. and YES Sue... a community. xxx
7 Nov, 2009
ROFL, he did have a lot of 'wifelets' Sue, he had a lot of beard and hair too!! I wonder if he wants an antique Wifelet who likes birds, he has plenty of space for my lot!!! Yes you are right, that is definitely US. I know that we shall get loads of wonderful gardening pics when the snow comes and Christmas and so look forward to those. I don't have a thing in the garden worth photographing at the moment.................:o(
7 Nov, 2009
YO TT !!!!!!! XXXXX
7 Nov, 2009
Oh excellent Terra, you will have to show us your Trophy and some pics! What a scoop. I'm not at all surprised though? How's our lad today?
7 Nov, 2009
The win was actually with a previous very special dog...
... and some of the above sounds more like Longleat than Woburn ???
Conker doing okay thanks.... waiting to grow some more coat back after the chemo is completed.... he does have a mac. if necessary...loves to wear it. You can see him wearing the mac and a hat on my home page in the red wellies pic. :o)
7 Nov, 2009
And a very handsome boy he looks wearing it ! xx
7 Nov, 2009
Thanks. Let's hope his coat regrows and that he stays healthy for as long as possible. xxx
Malt Crunchies are a breakfast cereal, Pam.....
made by the Co-op... very similar to Shreddies.... :o)
7 Nov, 2009
Conker ...... Can I tell you a little secret ? I've always had this thing about 'Lassie'...AND ...he can still make me cry a bit !! Even at my age !
And you MUST know that you're the dead spit of him !
So come here our kid ...... and have loads of snuggles and cuddles and kisses from Brum.
And that goes for you too TT ! xxxxx
7 Nov, 2009
Conker and co. all say thank you.
T.C. T & C. xxx
7 Nov, 2009
I second that completely.................xxx. Yes, you are right Terra, got the Stately Homes mixed up............:o(
7 Nov, 2009
So who's the next wifelet ?????? lol
7 Nov, 2009
Not Pam....she keeps mixing up the stately homes.... no wonder she didn't marry into the aristocracy... turned up at the wrong church... Lol.
Never mind, she'll be happier with the parrots...they have better haircuts. :o)
7 Nov, 2009
She's a Brum TT !!! No chance WHATSOEVER with the aristocracy !!! LMAO !!
7 Nov, 2009
Huh!! Wanna bet you two!!! When I was young and working in Cornwall, I was going out with Malcolm, Lady Isobel Barnett's Nephew - she of What's My Line' (for the older generation who might remember!!) so you see, I might have been if a very handsome Cornish lad hadn't come along!!!
7 Nov, 2009
Pasties anyone ???
7 Nov, 2009
No pasties LOL, he lasted 17 years and then the ways parted, was it the way I cooked the pasties I wonder..................ROFL
8 Nov, 2009
I really can't put what I'm thinking on here !!!!! LMAO !!
Good morning our kid !! x
8 Nov, 2009
Good morning back kiddo, just taken Todd for our hours walk, we are losing weight quite well LOL. Off to clean out the Zoo now................great job if you don't weaken LOL.........xxx
8 Nov, 2009
:-)))) x
8 Nov, 2009
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Looking at his face Pam, so can I !! lol ;-)))
6 Nov, 2009