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Carica papaya - Male Producing Papaya

Carica papaya  - Male Producing Papaya (Carica papaya  - Male Producing Papaya)

This Papaya tree was loaded with papayas...this is only the
top of this multi-stemmed plant. It was taken a couple block
from my house on Nov. 06, 2009.

Comments on this photo


Nice shot and not a flat papaya in

8 Nov, 2009




That's right, no flat papayas on this male tree. LOL!!!

8 Nov, 2009


I'm still amazed how these dangle from the stems, don't see them here.

9 Nov, 2009



I saw a large one years ago where I used to live...
I've read it's pretty rare to have male plants produce
fruit...however, in the last year I've seen 3. It is still
a pretty unusual sight though. : > )

10 Nov, 2009


Yes I've always known that male pawpaw plants never produce fruit Delonix, this is rare.

10 Nov, 2009



Never say never. : > ) Many times people cut down
their male plants. However, many people don't realize
that male plants can sometimes produce fruit -- the
example above...or the male plant can change their sex
to female or bisexual (perfect for fruit production).
Papaya (Paw Paw) plants are some of the most unusual
plants in the Plant Kingdom...I've read -- it's still not
completely undestood why this happens.

In my 5 new papayas (paw paws) I've planted this year. I do
have a male plant...and I will let it grow up and hope it will
eventually produce fruit! I'll just have to wait and see though.

10 Nov, 2009

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