a little on my condition
By Pa44on

12 Nov, 2009
Comments on this photo
I commend you for all that you've undertaken in your garden with your condition. A lot of people would have 'given up'. Well done you ! :~))
12 Nov, 2009
Well I've just read it on your profile. I think you are to be congratulated on your efforts and determination :o)
Keep going !
12 Nov, 2009
Well done Pa44on......Just goes to show that you can overcome a lot of problems, by throwing yourself into a passion.......Keep it up......Lol
12 Nov, 2009
I can't read it very well. Is it a medical condition you have.? I'm sorry if you're having trouble with it. I hope seeing all the photos on here help to make you feel better.
12 Nov, 2009