Pa44on's Profile

About me
Well, anyone can tell that photography and flowers are my passion, that is what i do, i am 100% disable, in 1997 i had a serious MVA leaving me with brain "stem" injury the kind where a helicopter was how i got to hospital, in trauma unit 2wks total of 42days in hospital, what i do is by the hand of God and him only, i enjoy rooting flowers and watching them grow, i grow mostly tropical plants that loves water,i water everthing by hand i cannot keep a sprinkler or sprayer very long i have just about out grew more than i can handle, it's just me, everything in my yard(garden) is from a cutting or something i have busted, i think God left me here as the keeper of the garden with a camera, i have been divorced for 12yrs., and get to spend all day doing something to plants or taking pictures, i don't really know how i found this site, but i can tell there are alot of great people on here, thank all of you, i will put up a report in my photos to proof than i am all real.
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Joined in Nov 2009
Country: United States
State: George/MS