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Pride of The Herd - Number 211 "Daisy Coo"

Pride of The Herd - Number 211 "Daisy Coo"

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Mooooooooooooo........(hello in cow language!)........

24 Nov, 2009


Hello Daisy ! You're a fine looking cow :~))

25 Nov, 2009


Hi Daisy you look well.

25 Nov, 2009


Moooooo to you all - Thanks for your comments - a little more about myself. I am a 4 year old friesian helstein cross. I was born here on the farm & have had 2 calves to date. My hobbies include munching gass, sileage, cow cake & brewers grain. The CG is a very nice man & looks after me well. He's quite a good singer you know ..........sings along to the radio in the parlour. We stay in the shed over winter (so avoiding this horrible wind & rain) & my bed is padded matting with sawdust. At the moment I produce 45 litres of milk a day (72 pints).

25 Nov, 2009


It sounds lovely and snug in your shed Daisy and you must be happy to produce 72 pints a day ! ;~)))

25 Nov, 2009


Hi Sue, this is "Daisy Coo" - how do you do? - Though there are other cows in the herd who produce more milk than me, the CG says I'm the nicest looking cow in the herd for a young 'un. Mind you all us girls think the CG's not bad looking himself - but don't tell him that ! A strange phenomenon though Sue, all us girls in the herd seem to be called Daisy !)

26 Nov, 2009


I won't say a word Daisy !! How many of you are there Daisy, 'cause you know what blokes are like for remembering names !! He calls you all the same because he wouldn't be able to remember a lot of them !! lol ;~)))

26 Nov, 2009


There are only 140 of us but I believe the CG used to milk 400+ at his last farm. Yes Sue, you'd have thought he would know all 140 names wouldn't you?

26 Nov, 2009


Well, that's blokes for you Daisy, but at least he sings nicely to you ;~)))

26 Nov, 2009

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