Thecottagegardner's Profile

About me
We live 7 miles outside Dumfries - SW Scotland. Pretty much in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by woodland & countryside. Garden grounds are 165 ft x 135 ft, made up of lawns, lots of flowers, shrubs, roses, fruit & vegetables. We moved here in April 08 & as you can see from our photos it was just wasteland ..... but then we love a challenge. A lot of hard work over the next couple of months saw the main part of the garden transformed (see pics July 08). Last year we started developing it even further, working on another area of wasteland. We're making it into an orchard with mixed fruit trees and large herbaceous island of foxgloves, dalphinium, phlox, hollyhocks, lupins, hostas & lots more. The dalphiniums reached up to 8ft this year. We have a large greenhouse, polytunnel & 2 coldframes - all needed as we plant up all our own baskets, tubs & beds & grow all our own plants from seed. We have lots of wildlife - red squirrels, deer, woodpeckers, jays & nuthatches all being regular visitors. Our 2 dogs Buddy & Holly love to watch for the squirrels.
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Joined in Nov 2009
Country: United Kingdom