By Valerie2

29 Nov, 2009
2' tall yellow flowers. Do I have the name right?
Comments on this photo
Thanks for the help on this name. I'm trying to get them to spread. Any suggestions
30 Nov, 2009
Oh Valerie - Lysimachia punctata can be invasive! It will spread all by itself - so no advice needed, until you've got it in too big an area! LOL.
30 Nov, 2009
Spritz I am so glad to hear that as I have several places I would like to use this. When you garden in the shade it's hard to find this much color in a plant,
30 Nov, 2009
Yes - I agree, but I have quite a number of plants that like shade! Geranium macrorrhizum and some of the others, too - do you grow any hardy geraniums?
Oh, and I found a new plant this year - Chrysonogonum virginianum. Bright yellow flowers, and it carries on flowering for months! Do you know that one?
30 Nov, 2009
I have some Geranium maculatum (wild cranesbill) Is that the same as macrorrhizum?
I havn't heard of Chrysonogonum virginianum. I'm about to put it in the search engine on this we site so I can check it out.
Thanks for the info.
Just checked and the search came up no such thing. Help
30 Nov, 2009
Sooorrryyyyyyy......I spelt it wrong! Try Chrysogonum virginianum. You can also see it on my 'garden' section, on page 3 I think. It's all in alphabetical order, so just scroll down until you find it.
No - the two geraniums are different! Hooray! That's another one to add. :-))
4 Dec, 2009
Spritzhenry, how long does the Chrysogonm Virginianum bloom, and when? I think you said this was a shade plant.
18 Jul, 2010
It starts in the spring, and continues right through until late autumn...amazing, but true. It is indeed in the shade, and thriving there. :-))))
18 Jul, 2010
I'm going to see if I can find this plant. Sounds perfect for my garden. Thanks
19 Jul, 2010
You're welcome - I hope you find it. :-)
19 Jul, 2010
Pictures by valerie2
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Yes Valerie...also known as Lysimachia
29 Nov, 2009