Inga edulis - Ice Cream Bean
By Delonix1

2 Dec, 2009
1 like
One of several very tall and large Ice Cream Bean trees
growing at Quail Botanical Gardens. For my GoY friend
Aleyna in Brazil. Photo taken Dec. 1, 2009.
Comments on this photo
I look forward to seeing your new photos. : > )
This tree is around 55 feet/ 17 meters tall
3 Dec, 2009
Wow even bigger than the first.
11 Aug, 2017
Yes, it grows extremely fast to a very large size. This is why I never put mine into the grow. It really hates being in a pot, though.
13 Aug, 2017
That's a shame you have by the room in the ground for it Andy does it produce fruit growing in the pot.
14 Aug, 2017
It very rarely produces fruit in a pot. It did one year because the roots got into the ground.
15 Aug, 2017
Perhaps a much bigger pot then.
15 Aug, 2017
It's in a really huge pot, already. I should probably cut the roots back one year. lol!
16 Aug, 2017
That would be a good idea cutting the roots might be better then especially if it's in a big pot.
16 Aug, 2017
Yes, it's in the biggest pot I want to have. lol! I will have to cut back the tree and roots.
I do love the flowers on this tree. I see a large tree in full flower on the way to work. I'll have to try to get a photo.
19 Aug, 2017
I think that would be best Andy. Yes please do I would love to see it.
19 Aug, 2017
They powder puff white flowers.
Here's photos from the internet.
20 Aug, 2017
Are nt the flowers stunning thank you Andy for taking the time to find a link to show me I can see why you have one.
21 Aug, 2017
It's a pretty tree, just too big. :>))
22 Aug, 2017
Yes which is a shame.
22 Aug, 2017
It can be kept a little smaller; however, one would have to prune it constantly.
24 Aug, 2017
Yes a lot of work though.
24 Aug, 2017
Yes, it's a lot of work. In a pot it grows slowly.
25 Aug, 2017
I bet it is a lot of work . Like most tree s then that are in pots slow growing .
25 Aug, 2017
Yes, because of their limited root-systems.
25 Aug, 2017
I can imagine even harder then
26 Aug, 2017
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Featured on: fruit trees
This photo is of species Inga edulis - Ice Cream Bean.
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Somehow I think I should take the picture of the trees with the cars under them...
It would show the magneficence of the trees, but... I have to take pictures of bougainvilleas and delonix this weekend :):))))))
3 Dec, 2009