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Yucca elephantipes

Yucca elephantipes 	  (Yucca elephantipes)

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Whats the best thing i can do to this tree? I need to cut it down and if so will it grow again from the top.

2 Dec, 2009


Welcome to GoY.
This looks amazing !
I'm sure a GoY member will be able to answer your question :o)

2 Dec, 2009


I like your aquarium.
That's no help I'm afraid. Maybe you could put it on the questions page. Not everyone looks at the photos.

2 Dec, 2009


well - I think it is the best way to improve its look... and I would also suggest give it water only when the soil dries out... looks like it is getting more water than it actually needs. Draceana and yukka tell you by turning its leaves yellow suddenly that the soil its to wet. and yukka likes quite low temperatures although it likes light ooo:)

2 Dec, 2009


Like the aquarium too.
Welcome from me, Steve!
Yuccas are false palms, that's why you, no doubt, can cut it down. And there will be some new sprouts on the top. Cuttings may be rooted in water, so you'll have more plants you can present to your friends! :o)

2 Dec, 2009

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