The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Mandevilla, Dipladenia 'Red Riding Hood' (Mandevilla splendens)

Mandevilla, Dipladenia 'Red Riding Hood' (Mandevilla splendens) (Mandevilla, Dipladenia 'Red Riding Hood' (Mandevilla splendens))

These sprawling flowering small shrubs are widely grown on Coronado Island, across from San Diego, CA.
Photo taken Dec. 17, 2009.

Comments on this photo


They are so pretty, i wish they were widely grown in public areas here :-/

27 Dec, 2009



Thanks! They are widely used as little shrubs or viny shrubs all over the area...they're such popular plants here because they bloom all year.

27 Dec, 2009

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Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Mandevilla, Dipladenia 'Red Riding Hood' (Mandevilla splendens).

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