By Majeekahead

18 Apr, 2008
1 like
at last - turf removed - still lots more digging to do! - think i will move around the plants behind this corner before i start digging over - i'll only be treading it back down - think i will need a stepping stone in this corner too. a pot will add some much needed height here too - i want the over all effect to be the height sloping downwards from the fence.
Comments on this photo
It has definitely changed the look of that area of your garden already.
19 Apr, 2008
thanks i am really pleased with it, you know when you hum and har about something and just not sure why something does'nt look right - well this is how i felt about this - but i am much happier now - proberly take a while to get the planting just right - i always move things about alot before i am happy with it - and once i am happy i admire for a few years and then get board and move it all about again! lol
19 Apr, 2008
OMG i no how hard it is 2 remove so much Lawn Ang u must be Worn Out?
21 Apr, 2008
Love the patio stone,,,,,,,, smiles
6 May, 2008
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21 May, 2007
Looks better already.
18 Apr, 2008