Snowy Garden
By Louis

23 Dec, 2009
Part of my garden this morning........
Comments on this photo
A bit of a contrast to Gibraltor, looks very pretty though. The drive to work this morning was beautiful in the sunlight but scary on the icy roads, I wish it would go away now :-)))
23 Dec, 2009
Thanks Annella....I was in Wilby yesterday, and some of the roads were pretty bad..!!!
23 Dec, 2009
Thanks Bernieh :))
23 Dec, 2009
Cold but pretty....
23 Dec, 2009
Just what Santa's garden should look like he he he
23 Dec, 2009
Hahahaha.......Absolutely Milky....Have A Wonderful Xmas :-)
23 Dec, 2009
Pretty snowy Lousie....hope you are staying safe and warm. It looks so odd to see snow on the tree fern. LOL
24 Dec, 2009
Thank you Gilli, you're most kind :-)))
24 Dec, 2009
What a huge difference from Gibraltar and home!
Will your tree ferns survive the snow? I've never seen
tree ferns in snow before.
26 Dec, 2009
Hi Delonix,
Yes, the tree ferns will survive the frost, I'm pleased to say :-)))
26 Dec, 2009
Glad to here they'll survive the snow.
Are these tree ferns Dicksonia fibrosa or Dicksonia antarctica? Those are the only very hardy species of tree fern I know of...we grow a lot of the New Caledonian species here.
26 Dec, 2009
These are Dicksonia Antartica, they are they most hardy :))
27 Dec, 2009
Thanks! They look good and healthy even with the snow on them. : > )
27 Dec, 2009
Great pics Louis, I was suprised to see the Dicksonia coping so well with the frosts you get in Northants. I was brought up in Warwickshire and I remember the deep, penetrating frost only to well!
28 Dec, 2009
great photo tree ferns coped with last years snow too....
28 Dec, 2009
Thank you Delonix1, Rbtkew and Sandra. They are amazingly strong. Normaly, I cover the crown with leafs, but this year I have done nothing to them....:))
28 Dec, 2009
Lovely snowy scene you have there, just catching up, after a very hectic few days......
4 Jan, 2010
Thank you Dotty, even though the snow has gone, the ground is ever so hard, that I cannot start digging yet. I'm hoping we'll get milder weather soon ....... :))
4 Jan, 2010
it seem to be getting colder here...i had to defrost my chickens water today.....
4 Jan, 2010
As it is hear as well Sandra. I just cannot do any digging at all. I think, if it keeps on for much longer, it could cause some damage to some of my plants I normally leave outside..... Keeping my fingers crossed that it will warm up soon. ........... :))
4 Jan, 2010
The forecast says more snow for us on Friday Louis. My back garden has been deep frozen for weeks now :-((((
4 Jan, 2010
its lovely here now, the sun is lovely...hope it warms up for u too....
4 Jan, 2010
Annella, so we're having more freezing weather on Friday???? My word, that's gonna slow me down further...!!!
Likewise Sandra, it has been a beautiful blue sky, but it's been so cold though..
4 Jan, 2010
Nice pic Louis, how are your tree ferns doing after that lot? The fronds on mine have gone all black (no wonder after 3 weeks of -15deg). I hope they have survived!
24 Jan, 2010
Mine are the same, but it should be ok Skillen. If we are to have more freezing weather, put some leafs on the crown to protect it from the frost. Do not cut down the fronts, as they will give the truck some protection. You can cut them off in the Spring.....
24 Jan, 2010
Thanks for that Louis - have already packed the crown with leaves and wrapped the trunk in fleece.
24 Jan, 2010
That's good enough Skillen :))
25 Jan, 2010
i checked mine today.....nice and firm and dry in the crown, with plenty od new fronds waiting.....
25 Jan, 2010
Same as mine Sandra, they are looking quite healthy......... I just cannot wait for the better weather to come LOL Mind you, it is staying lighter for longer now, which is an inspiration :))
25 Jan, 2010
the fronds will alll have to comme off but the new ones will be lovely...;-))
we've had a run of dry days with glimpses of subshine. its been lovely to get back to work in the nursery...
25 Jan, 2010
I will keep the fronds until the Spring, then I will cut them off. Likewise, it has not been too bad around here too. Enjoy your nursery ... :)))
25 Jan, 2010
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It makes a pretty scene!
23 Dec, 2009