Scadoxus multiflores Lily
By Pitta
- 19 Jan, 2010
This is a dormant lily . Common names are Blood lily , sunburst lily.ball of fire lily .Makes a real summer show.
Comments on this photo
I must apologize as I am, a stickler for correct botanical names . makes life so much easier , but if there is a common name that I have heard it will be added as well.
20 Jan, 2010
It looks like an allium...
24 Jan, 2010
The Allium genus belong to the onion family which is the largest familyof plants,
maybe there is a connection there somewhere.
25 Jan, 2010
Do you grow any orchids Pitta? they're a huge family too.
27 Jan, 2010
I live in Cyprus and would guess that this would grow here as our climate is similar but possibly drierr.
Re the proper name, if translated from Greek it is not very nice!
28 Apr, 2010
Better not tell me then.
29 Apr, 2010
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I'm glad that at least some of you plants have common names.
19 Jan, 2010