doors not on yet ...but we couldn't resist putting the first plant in.
By Sandra
- 22 Jan, 2010
Comments on this photo
poor agaves been outside in the snow...but today they were basking in the sunshine;-)) whats your weather been like?
22 Jan, 2010
it has been 7-10 degrees above normal for this time of was 59-61 degrees yesterday...very warm...much cooler today but the sun has been out for the past 3 days...very nice...Things are beginning to look more like March than January...!
22 Jan, 2010
about the same here Cat.
22 Jan, 2010
Sure feels like an early spring this year...Phoebe has entirely shed her coat ..and sofie is shedding now too...! Phoebe gets a bit chilly when she sheds so early, may need to find her a doggie coat. Sofie is fine either way.
22 Jan, 2010
poor Phoebe.....i've noticed mine shedding theirs early tooo.....its so tempting to think the bad weather is behind us but its still only january. the last three years we have had snow in feb......Blodwyns coat is so thin anyway that she has a hooded jumper to put on in the cold weather...she looks sooo funny...
23 Jan, 2010
Yes, we could still get some more snow and cold spells but I doubt there will be any deep freezes at this point. We have been known to get the spring snows as late as May. I never really mind those because they soak the spring ground so well for the baby plants getting ready to push on through...It works like magic on them. :)
Phoebe has such a thick undercoat, from the Sheba in her,(Japanese mountain hunting dog.) When the weather warms up the Besenji,(African desert hunting dog) takes over and throws it off, she looks like a buffalo fur for a while...all patchy and fur everywhere, I have to brush her constantly to keep it from covering the whole room!
23 Jan, 2010
Blod runs when i get out the brush...but after a few moments she desides she likes it. her coat is so thin it dosent take long. i hope your right about the weather as we are about to switch the heat on in the seed chamber. have to keep it warm for germinaton.
23 Jan, 2010
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Sure cannot blame you!
22 Jan, 2010