Androsace bulleyana
- 9 Feb, 2010
Alpine House Wisley
Comments on this photo
I think it's meant to be fairly easy too but, when I grew it, it didn't last long. I've got seeds in for this year, so here's hoping.
9 Feb, 2010
good luck with them....
9 Feb, 2010
It's actually a biennial, Ag, so I hope that you got seed. :-(
1 Dec, 2010
I don't think Wisley would have been very pleased BA. But I have got seed from one of the seed exchanges
2 Dec, 2010
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This photo is of species Androsace buleyana.
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This photo was taken at RHS Garden Wisley.
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Soooooo pretty...:o)
9 Feb, 2010