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Orange Hibiscus Hedge in Ecninitas, CA.

Orange Hibiscus Hedge in Ecninitas, CA.  (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis - Orange Hibiscus)

Originally, I wasn't going to post this pics... because it's not very clear. This Hedge is in front of an apartment building in Encinitas two blocks from the ocean. Photo taken Feb. 14, 2010. For my GoY friend Louise1. : > )

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I like this.
I really like seeing Hibiscus grown as hedges, this one looks quite an 'open' hedge and what ... about 4' high, Delonix ?
If i had the climate i'd grow this as a hedge, as a boundary.

Do you have Oleanders there too ? When i lived in Florida we had them in abundance there .... love them too !!!

19 Feb, 2010


Its clear enough for me,Delonix, glad you decided to show us,as it is lovely.

19 Feb, 2010



Glad you like it! : > )

This hedge is actually closer to 7 feet / 3.2 meters tall (I have a pic with me in front of this hedge and it's a foot taller than me). However, some Hibiscus varieties can easily grow to 25 feet / 7.6 meters tall.

Oleanders grow in California by the many millions...literally! : >)
Before actual metal or concrete dividers were used on the freeways...Oleanders were used as the dividers. However, many freeways still have many miles of Oleanders in the medians and along the sides of the freeway.

19 Feb, 2010


The Oleander planting sounds lovely !

20 Feb, 2010



I'll have to post some Oleander blooming soon. I've never posted any because we just take them for granted here...they're so common. : > )

20 Feb, 2010


LOL, the things we take for granted are often adored by others, hey ? !!!
Oleanders and Hibiscus you now know are my favourite 'foreign' flowers !

20 Feb, 2010



I always keep myself aware of plants that are taken for granted here...I know many of the tree/shrubs/plants that most taken for granted other parts of the U.S. and other countries may not grow well or at all. Oleander, Hibiscus and Hong Kong Orchid trees (Bauhinia x blakeana) are just a very few examples.

21 Feb, 2010

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