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Erythrina sandwicensis - Wiliwili - Close up flower

Erythrina sandwicensis - Wiliwili  - Close up flower (Erythrina sandwicensis - Wiliwili)

This tree is native to the Hawaiian Islands. It blooms in winter like 90% of Erythrina species. Photo taken in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. on Feb. 23, 2010.

Comments on this photo


That's a new one for me ... it's an unusual bloom.

26 Feb, 2010


awesome flower......

26 Feb, 2010


Oh I thought it was bananas!!!! just going to get my glasses

26 Feb, 2010


Wow that is such a beautiful bloom, and I just love the way the petals have that outline. Its gorgeous............

26 Feb, 2010


You topped everything this time Andy..Truly amazing...absolutely fantastic...:o)))

26 Feb, 2010


Wow! Thank for all the comments! : > )

Erthyrina species are very widely grown here...most people just take them for granted. However, they are pretty spectacular in bloom.. There's so many species blooming right now.

27 Feb, 2010


its very unusual here......;-)

27 Feb, 2010



I would think so...most are very tender tropical trees. The only hardy species are: Erythrina crista-galli and Erythrina herbacea...that I know of anyway. : > )

27 Feb, 2010

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Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Erythrina sandwicensis - Wiliwili.

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