Fuchsia "Frosted Flame2Trailing
By Jacque
- 1 Mar, 2010
Comments on this photo
Wow! Never seen the red one. It is a beauty!
1 Mar, 2010
Glad u like it Uma :) Will it really look like the Pic Hywel ? :)
1 Mar, 2010
Not identical. The petals should be dark red with white at the base. It is a beautiful one. I'll see if I can find a photo of mine and put it on for you .
1 Mar, 2010
I've posted 3 photos for you to see - Marinka and Frosted Flame. Sorry for the poor quality but I can't find better photos of these.
1 Mar, 2010
Aawwwwwwww thanx Hywel thats so kind of u 2 post Pics of yours :) XXX
1 Mar, 2010
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This photo is of "Fuchsia "Frosted Flame2Trailing" in Jacque's garden
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Another of my favs :o))
1 Mar, 2010