Pansypotter's Profile

About me
I am mad about gardening and since retiring have been able to indulge my passion! whatever the weather whenever I have time to spare you will find me pottering in my little patch. We moved to the bungalow five years ago, the garden was very neglected and apart from a tall cherry tree there was nothing worth saving. One of the first jobs was setting about disguising the fences with shrubs, climbers, and conifers which now give us a pleasant background and privacy. The next task was rejuvenating the lawn and starting to add plants to give texture and colour to the borders. the plot is approximately 40ftx36ft so not very big and since my obsession with collecting and growing from seed the borders are filling up nicely. I grow mainly flowers and shrubs as there is very little room for veg but I am going to buy a strwberry pot so hopefully next year I will be picking my own fruit!
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Joined in Aug 2008
Country: United Kingdom
County: Lancashire