goldfinches and sparrows
By Sanbaz

16 Mar, 2010
sparroe coming into land in this one
Comments on this photo
thanx holly didnt notice him till i had taken shot, just came in time :o)
16 Mar, 2010
brill photo
16 Mar, 2010
cheers carol ;o)
16 Mar, 2010
Sandra seen your pm reply'd back, i've put a blog on about Smokey.x
16 Mar, 2010
ok thanx carol will check it out :o)
16 Mar, 2010
Flaps back, landing gear down .... great shot Sandra. :-)
16 Mar, 2010
All he needs is a halo and he could double for an angel :)
17 Mar, 2010
lol muddy and Gee both great comments :o))
17 Mar, 2010
such an entertaining pic Sandra..looks if the Sparrow is ready to shoo them all off..all mine all mine...
17 Mar, 2010
lol yes you could be right deida :o)
17 Mar, 2010
Well done, we never get any sparrows in our garden, yet our daughter who lives just down the road gets lots......odd.
18 Mar, 2010
thats strange dotty, think we get alot cause in rural area with lots of hedges near, i dont think they are as comman these days which is sad
18 Mar, 2010
Great picture Sanbaz .....:o))
20 Mar, 2010
cheers flori :o)
20 Mar, 2010
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Love the sparrow.....well caught
16 Mar, 2010