baby toad
By Sanbaz

17 Mar, 2010
while taking out the last stump johnny found this baby toad, not sure where he came from but seemed half alseep and very dry so i placed him on a rock on my water feature to freshen him up, then when i went back he had fallen in and was stuck so got him out and he is now in my border, hope he survives, he`s the size of a ten pence piece i would say
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thats why ive put him on my border near the water feature Gee and also there is an old log i have there for decor, so hope he is ok now :o)
17 Mar, 2010
If he's that small and made it through the long winter we've just had, I'd say he's got to be one of life's survivors. Your slugs are going to LOVE him ! (Sandra's little helper) :-))
17 Mar, 2010
aww he is tiny
17 Mar, 2010
ahhhh so tiny.... hope hes ok....
17 Mar, 2010
your right muddy, i get quite a few and hardly a slug in summer its great, and i love frogs and toads anyway :o))
isnt he cute eileen :o))
think he will be fine holly as muddy says survived winter so im sure he will be ok :o))
17 Mar, 2010
i havnt seen any sign of my frogs this year.....hope they survived the winter...
17 Mar, 2010
He's a little sweetie.
17 Mar, 2010
im sure they will apear holly, think we disturbed this little fellow when digging out stumps, so there is time yet :o)
thanx Gb :o)
17 Mar, 2010
Fingers crossed he stays with you.x
17 Mar, 2010
hope so carol :o) hows smokey today
17 Mar, 2010
Should be okay now that the worse of the weather seems to be over San.He will just find somewhere else to hide !
17 Mar, 2010
thats good jane hope so :o))
17 Mar, 2010
And soon his very own...oops !
17 Mar, 2010
lol jane hahah
17 Mar, 2010
17 Mar, 2010
Last year my OH found a frog whilst tidying a border and plonked him in the barrel pond thinking he'd like it there ! I fished him out and plonked him back in the border as he looked rather shocked :))
17 Mar, 2010
lol aster they do like the water but as this was so small when he fell inbetween the rock and barrel he couldnt get out so i didnt want anything to happen to him, safe in the border, think toads do like damp ground rather than in water though
17 Mar, 2010
LOL and that is the second one today San.. yours is very tiny , glad you managed to save him :o))
17 Mar, 2010
they do like damp and spend more time on land than in water. frogs are happier with a wetter lifestyle. I love the amber eyes of the toads. we have one in the greenhouse. frogs in the borders too.
17 Mar, 2010
have you had one amy, my first of the year :o)
i thought so sea,,, my big toad he was always in the borders and froggy in the water feature :o) glad you have some to keep the slugs at bay
17 Mar, 2010
They are lovely, I adore toads, have not seen one for ages though......
18 Mar, 2010
I must be doing something wrong Sanbaz, as have three smallish ponds in my garden and it seems like hundreds of slugs, and not a frog or toad in sight, what am I doing wrong??? any advice very welcome!!!:o((
19 Mar, 2010
dotty i think they are just starting to come out again so you will see some soon if you have had them before im sure :o)
not sure flori im new with ponds and pond life, toads love dampo areas and frogs love ponds, maybe you should get some frogspawn to go into your ponds when time is right, not sure which month that is but you could ask at an aquatic centre :o)
19 Mar, 2010
Thanks for advice Sanbaz, will check that out :o))
19 Mar, 2010
let me know how you go on flori :o)
19 Mar, 2010
Will do :-)) x
22 Mar, 2010
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Oh bless, what a dear little thing. He would probably appreciate a damp area in your garden and a nice log or rock to hide under :)
17 Mar, 2010