Hubbys new shed!
By Floribunda

18 Mar, 2010
Keeping hubby happy meant replacing our little wooden shed with this metal monstrosity, large enough to house a car! Luckily, it sat in the back corner of the garden so wasn't too much of an obvious eyesore, and he built a corner pergola at the front of it which has a roof of polycarb, providing shelter in the rain, plus a covered outdoor working area for the shed. Of a winter, we tack bubble wrap and fleece across it to house and protect the more tender plants and pots, and he tacks on a temporary doorway,allowing for access, but forming almost a cloche effect at the front till the frosts are over and it can be removed.
Comments on this photo
Am glad you like it Yorkshire, it was a devil to put up,but has amazing storage area, when it's tidy that is lol! My other half enjoys working with wood,and I can lose him for hours down there. Just need to fit an intercom system now ha ha :o)))) x
18 Mar, 2010
well at least he has an intrest, hey you could always get a length of string and a plastic cup on the ends, we use to do it as kids, tug the string and talk into the cups, well it worked for us!!!!!!!
18 Mar, 2010
Well it keeps him out of mischief Yorkshire ha ha! I keep thinking the way Raffles follows him down there, I have a Wallace and Gromit on my hands, actually he does rather have a fondness for cheese! Like the idea of the string and cups, but its got to stretch 90ft plus to reach him, I can see a lot of knots causing interferrence don't you?!:o)))))X
18 Mar, 2010
I wonder if those are sunflowers
22 Mar, 2010
The bright plant at the back,which is difficult to see from here, is a Jasmin called 'Fiona Sunrise', but it is a bit of a monster, so gets cut back quite hard each year Gb .
22 Mar, 2010
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I think the shed looks great
18 Mar, 2010