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Anyone ever moved a Trachycarpus Fortunei? I have, now.


By Aitchw

Anyone ever moved a Trachycarpus Fortunei? I have, now.

I asked this question early last week. I have now moved the trachy and as you can see, it is supported by ropes, hopefully! I have added more ropes since the piccie was taken.

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That's not going anywhere...

27 Mar, 2010


how on earth did you manage to move it

27 Mar, 2010


Yorkshire. When we were digging, we discovered it had been planted in a pot. We then used a very heavy scaffolding pole to lever it up. It was extremely heavy, but 2 strong blokes managed to get it into the trailer. Back at home, it was 1 strong bloke and 1 weak woman (me) who dragged it into place. The air was definitely blue!!..hope no-one was listening 100 miles away!!

27 Mar, 2010


thanks for that. how lucky it was in a pot, it looks huge, I can just imagine how heavy it was, I wondered what all the blue was I heard and I'm not a hundred miles away!!!!! hope it does well now that its been moved.

27 Mar, 2010


Homebird. There's a lot of it around here....especially when the gardening doesn't go according to plan, which is most of the time!

30 Mar, 2010


Amazing, I wish I had asked the question regarding moving a Trachy, we had one that large which was in the way of a new extension, so we took it out and that was the end of that, I do remember it weighed a ton!!! took ages to cut it up and take to the tip........good luck with yours.

13 Apr, 2010


Yes, this one was luckily buried in a pot. We had to dig down 2 feet to discover that though!

14 Apr, 2010


Rather you than me..........

15 Apr, 2010


It's almost a year since we moved this heavy palm tree. Thankfully it is still going strong, even after the terrible cold spell we had recently. It seems to be the only one that has survived. I am going to top-dress the soil and mix in some chicken manure pellets when the time is right.

Not many gardeners' cordylines have survived. Whenever I check plant and tree labels now, I look for 'can withstand temperatures of -15deg'

14 Mar, 2011

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This photo is of "Trachycarpus Fortunei" in Aitchw's garden

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