My first rhododendron
By Tommymoo

30 Mar, 2010
Sorry for the bad resolution of my photo; the rhododendron I'm talking about is in the lower middle, behind it is the chopped tree trunk used as a bird table (which has been discovered by few birds so far). It has beautiful variegated leaves with white and I couldn't resist buying it. When I planted it out last month, I wasn't thinking about its soil condition. The soil had to be acidic, but I used normal compost. Hope it will survive.
Comments on this photo
Thank you Bloomer. I do hope it will be all right with the normal compost.
30 Mar, 2010
You could always get a bag of ericaceous compost Tommyand just dig plenty in and around the plant.I don't have acid soil either,but my Camellia and Pieris grow well.I put lots in the holes before I planted them,and give them a top dressing once a year ,with plenty water in the problems.Hoping to post a pic of Camellia ,when it finally flowers..almost there now Lol.
30 Mar, 2010
Thank you for your advice, Bloomer. I'm going to put some ericaceous compost around it (I don't want to dig it up and replant it again). Ignorance is dangerous, not bliss sometimes: I didn't know that the ashes from wood burners are not good for these plants and buried some ashes down with cow manure. I look forward to seeing a picture of the camellia soon!!
31 Mar, 2010
I'm sure it will be fine.There will probably be plenty of leaf mould from the tree over the years anyway.
31 Mar, 2010
Hope it does well for you, planting around the trunk is a good idea as the birds prefer to have the safety of foliage near their feeding areas...........
31 Mar, 2010
Apart from scattering some peanuts and seeds on the trunk, I put up 3 bird feeders around it at the beginning of March. But as far as I know, only 2 little birds (they are couple, at least to my eyes) found them. I could hear lots of lovely bird songs in other part of the garden but not around the nuts. What's wrong with my bird feeders? Too bad but it will take some time, I guess, until they are discovered by other birds.
31 Mar, 2010
Pictures by tommymoo
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See who else is growing Rhododendron ponticum (Azalia).
See who else has plants in genus Rhododendron.
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It will be nice there,hope it does well for you....
30 Mar, 2010