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A garden flower photo

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the area on the left is currently being redun and has increased the area by about 12 ft all the way down and given us a bank with a walkway thro the trees and a seating area to get the last of the sun

3 Apr, 2010


very nice

5 Apr, 2010


It's very attractive Cristina...lots of different places of interest......smashing!

7 Apr, 2010


really lovely,how big is your garden,Cristina

23 Apr, 2010


i think its bt 100 ft long but not really sure we have spit it into sections. there r bt 7 in total ,so it makes it easier to do . bak of house is manily decked now cos of our new puppie. then theres a veg area at the bottem including stable greenhouse and hens run .

24 Apr, 2010


sounds fab.

24 Apr, 2010



24 Apr, 2010


It looks very peaceful Cristina. What's that red rose on the arch called ?

28 Apr, 2010


very nice

24 Aug, 2010


muddy dont no the name of rose, it was there wen we came here. thanks 4 coment muddy and brom.;0)

25 Aug, 2010

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