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Costus barbatus - Spiral Ginger

Costus barbatus - Spiral Ginger (Costus barbatus - Spiral Ginger)

The Spiral Gingers are blooming now...the stems can bloom until mid-December, then start blooming again in March. Photo taken Apr. 7, 2010.

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That's quite a long time .No wonder they need x-mas off..LOL

9 Apr, 2010


i have been given a few ginger plants. i wonder which ones they are...time will tell.

10 Apr, 2010



Yes, this plant can bloom for a long time. : > )


This is not a true ginger...however, it is in the ginger family though.

10 Apr, 2010


do they like full sun or shade?

10 Apr, 2010



These plants are growing in full sun but this is in Balboa Park which is close to San Diego Bay. Where I live my plant is growing in semi-shade because I get 10 - 15 degrees warmer on average and the sun is more intense.

10 Apr, 2010


the nes i have been given are in a very poorly state..i gave them a good watering today. they have produce a little new healty-ish looking growth...

10 Apr, 2010



Do you know what the genus is? Hedychium, Alpinia, Zingiber?

10 Apr, 2010


a friend of mine was clearing out.......time will tell...;-)

12 Apr, 2010



Good luck! I'm sure it'll do well with your TLC. : > )

12 Apr, 2010


Nice to see this growing outdoors Andy,there is a large collection of Zingiberaceae at Kew. I have a Hedychium growing outside but I'm not sure it came through last winter.

17 Apr, 2010



Many genera of Zingiberaceae grow well here outside. However, some species have issues with our hard water by brown-tipping.

Hedychium species are really hardy...they will come back from the rhizomes if the ground doesn't freeze.

Let us know if your Hedychium made it through the winter...would be very interested.

18 Apr, 2010


Gophers ate mine. I had the red leafed ginger 'greenii' ? and the most common one. So much of that part of my property is now large potted plants.

11 Nov, 2014


I had Hedychium greenii when I lived in the Bay Area. I love the fragrance of the flowers! It's not as strong as the white or yellow gingers.

11 Nov, 2014


Thats the one. And H.gardensomethingii The common one. Like I said,so much is now potted. Only large trees stay ahead of vermin-lol.

12 Nov, 2014


I know how that can be...when I lived in Fremont it was always a challenge fighting the gophers.

19 Nov, 2014

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This photo is of species Costus barbatus - Spiral Ginger.

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