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Ruttya fruticosa 'Orange Dragon' - Rabbit ears 'Orange Dragon'

Ruttya fruticosa 'Orange Dragon' - Rabbit ears 'Orange Dragon' (Holmskioldia species chinese Hat plant)

My Ruttya fruticosa 'Orange Dragon' - Rabbit ears 'Orange Dragon' plant is blooming in spring for the first time ever. It always blooms in late summer or fall. I'm not sure why it's blooming this time of the year. Photo taken Apr. 9, 2010.

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That's an interesting looker.
Have you had an unusually dry winter?

10 Apr, 2010



We've been in drought for many years...however, this year most cities in Southern California have had above normal rainfall because it's an El NiƱo year.

10 Apr, 2010


Another great looking flower >;O)))))

11 Apr, 2010


Mushysbanna, thanks!

12 Apr, 2010

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This photo is of species Holmskioldia species chinese Hat plant.

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