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Pieris Forest Flame

Pieris Forest Flame

Last year this had hardly any flowers. My house faces North West, so I moved the pot, so it was against the wall. I hoped it would protect it from the weather a bit. It worked!!

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It's looking lovely PG. I moved mine a few weeks ago as well i'm hoping it won't be to hot it's in the full sun .........

11 Apr, 2010


Thanks Amy...Mine is in the sun too, I'll have to put a brolly up if it gets too much for it! Hahaha....only got one patch to put plants so I just give 'em a go and see...

11 Apr, 2010


We will keep our fingers crossed PG . LOL........

11 Apr, 2010


It's worked brilliantly, masses of little bells, lovely.

11 Apr, 2010


Thanks Gee. Yes, what a difference.

11 Apr, 2010


this is beautiful Pg.........

11 Apr, 2010


Thanks BB, I am chuffed that moving it made such a difference...

11 Apr, 2010


It's amazing isn't it PG how moving a plant can make such a big difference. I've done it here and 'things happen' and it's brilliant!

This Pieris is looking wonderful so no wonder you're chuffed:0)

11 Apr, 2010


I moved it backwards about 4', that's all! It has to still face the same direction, as I only have one area to put my pots.

11 Apr, 2010


thats looking great

11 Apr, 2010


Thanks Eileen....

11 Apr, 2010


Lol!! Bonkers, but if it works.....

11 Apr, 2010


Thanks for posting this. I have a Pieris in a pot but it never seems to do well. It grows, but the flowers never come out like yours. I will try your trick and see what happens.

16 Apr, 2010


Rachell ~ have a look at my blog 'Moving a potted plant....' ~ there you will see how bad it was last year!

Pleased this has been of help to you..... :o)

16 Apr, 2010


Lovely! I've just bought one which looks very similar but it's not "forest flame". Sainsbury's (unusually for them) had got the labels mixed up. It's flowering, like yours but it looks to me as if there are two different ones in the pot. They might be "debutante" and "bonfire" but then again, they might not! I might get it planted today, but soil-changing etc. is involved...Incidentally, I bought it because the one I have already thrives in a similar position - part sun, part shade and a somewhat icy blast in Winter! (Balmy Dorset?)

18 Apr, 2010


You may have got 2 for the price of 1 there Volval then!
I have 2 other Pieris, Little Heath and Little Heath Green, they too have thrived in the same position this one is in.

18 Apr, 2010

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