Baby Grass Snake
By Dawnsaunt
- 18 Apr, 2010
I found this baby yesterday, dead unfortunately. It was a few feet away from my muck heap so I'm hoping it hatched from there. Just the length of a tissue.
Comments on this photo
I hope so Gee. I've seen adult ones for years but never babies. I wonder why it died? Not a mark on it, in fact I put it in the sun in case it was still alive but alas no.
18 Apr, 2010
Perhaps it just became too cold and couldn't get back to the compost heap.
18 Apr, 2010
Such a shame. I hope the others have survived.
19 Apr, 2010
Poor thing , i hope there is some more aswell.
19 Apr, 2010
Ah poor little thing ... I would be surprised if there aren't any more , keep your eyes open Dawn ........
19 Apr, 2010
Yes, I'll be looking out for them. We've had a few frosts recently and maybe he left the nest and perished.
19 Apr, 2010
Grass snakes lay between 5 and 20 eggs so there are likely to be a good few more.
19 Apr, 2010
I hope so Toto, I keep thinking that one this small cant have travelled too far so the nest must be closeby.
19 Apr, 2010
Grass Snakes sometimes 'play dead' when they feel threatened. Maybe yours was doing this. If not, there could be others about.
19 Apr, 2010
I put it on a log in a sunny position all day but it didnt revive.
20 Apr, 2010
Ah, poor wee snake! That's the trouble with compost heaps isn't it? I had a hedgehog living in mine so couldn't go near it!
27 Apr, 2010
aww poor thing dawn, wonder what happened to it,, maybe just weak at birth, dawn ;o(
27 Apr, 2010
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Oh what a shame, poor little things. Hopefully there are some survivors.
18 Apr, 2010