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Hope these bright sunny days will set the fruit.

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Beautiful ! :o)

19 Apr, 2010


Hopefully you'll have lots of cherries to follow.

19 Apr, 2010


cherry - yum yum in my tum - i wish :)

21 Apr, 2010


Yes Derek, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for lots of juicy cherries.

21 Apr, 2010


Hoping to buy a cherry tree Doctorbob...any tips ? Jane and parrot both love cherries...she dearly wishes for one...and birthday coming up !!!

21 Apr, 2010


Sorry Ray, I missed your comment last night.
I would advise getting a dwarf cherry tree now in a pot, you will need 2 to cross pollinate, they would be easy to cover to get all the fruit.Terracotta pot would be best. You can plant out in the autumn.
If you are lucky they may well fruit this year, best also to go to a nursery and buy direct so that there is no damage on the way home.

22 Apr, 2010


Thanks for your advice Doctorbob.We have a nursery selling fruit trees nearby so will take a look at the weekend and let you know .Thanks again...

22 Apr, 2010


Good luck, let us know how you get on.

22 Apr, 2010


Will do...thanks.

22 Apr, 2010


Ray, I forgot to say yesterday, my tree is a Lapins Cherokee, I'm very pleased with it.

23 Apr, 2010


Thanks Drb just back from nursery looking for this lovely variety.Not stocked but suggested P. Stella which say is self fertile and doesnt need partner tree.

We are surrounded by large sycamores and full sun very much a premium here so really only space for one tree are self fertile ones worth considering ?

Is Stella a variety you familiar with as label suggests height of 15 ft max which would be ideal for us.

25 Apr, 2010


Apologies again for delay in answering, we have been striding the South Downs again this weekend. I don't know this variety of cherry, but as it is self fertile and ready to purchase now I would say go for it. Plant it where you think best. Liquid feed will be your best bet now. Mulch round the main trunk to keep it cool. I had a feeling you might not be able to find the Lapins Cherokee, it seems to be available in Jan. Feb and Nov. Dec. unless it is available anywhere on line. The P. Stella sounds ideal. Best of luck with it.

26 Apr, 2010


Thanks Doctorbob.Hope you enjoyed your ramble. We have decided to buy the tree....the cherries are a very dark almost black colour and supposed to be sweet and juicy ! Will go back next weekend.Thanks again for your advice...should know more about trees but good to talk to someone with first hand experience of cherries. Will mulch as you advised....and post a photo when planted !

26 Apr, 2010


Sounds great Ray, look forward to the photo. We did enjoy the walks over the weekend but saw quite a few of those animals that ate my Tulips, happily they weren't related.

26 Apr, 2010



27 Apr, 2010

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