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big rat snake


By Lauram

big rat snake

This one was about 5' long. The biggest I've seen here have been about 6' long, and those are in my attic. They're great climbers & I think they slither right up one of my large oaks and into a hole along the roofline.

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Oh my goodness, that would freak me out!

19 Apr, 2010


Well, they aren't venomous and the bite isn't bad, it just bleeds a lot. The only problem is they have a very strong musky odor and if they musk you you will smell for the rest of the day or until you can get a shower, whatever comes first. They eat a LOT of rats.

19 Apr, 2010


Wow this must be something to live with all the time scary but i guess great as you dont get any rats

19 Apr, 2010


Im lost for words. I know my wife would move out if we had one of thoes in the attic.mind you there are a few rats it could eat around here some have fluffy tails

19 Apr, 2010


He's a handsome fella, fantastic photo!

26 Apr, 2010



22 Jan, 2011

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