Rkalyan's Profile

About me
Born and living in South Africa.We have very good climate especially for gardening.My favourite season is Spring the weather is so wonderful in Spring added bonus is all the flowers.I do not have any pets except a 88 litre tropical fishtank.I'm crazy about all animals especially cats.I have a garden only in front I like succulent/catus type of plants as they grow well in the dry climate that we have in Pretoria.I planted some panies and petunies for spring.This year I also planted some tomato's from seeds and they grew into these large tomato plants.Last year I bought a two tier mini hot house/green house that i grew my tomato seeds in.GOY is a great site for gardeners to share ideas and their thoughts well done thank you.
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Joined in Aug 2009
Country: South Africa
County/State: Pretoria